whether you’re here to:

heal digestive issues

balance hormones

enjoy radiant, glowing skin

find more energy

support your nervous system

fall in love with your body

or work on soul-care and self-love

i’ve got you…

I’ll meet you exactly where you are and together, we’ll co-create a plan to help you achieve your health and wellness goals.

The information in these plans is designed to give you guidance on where you can start making small and sustainable lifestyle changes that will lead to increased health and vitality over the long-term. 

Over the course of our work together, I’ll give you the support you need to build long-lasting habits and develop deeper self worth.

A part of our plan will be learning the skills needed to create small, sustainable habits that will take you from where you are to the vision you have of yourself in the future:

  • a radiant woman attuned to the seasons and her body’s cyclical biorhythms

  • someone who sleeps deeply and peacefully

  • wakes up energized

  • has the skills and knowledge to create easy, delicious, and nutritious meals

  • has soft, supple skin and balanced hormones

  • and knows how to support her physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health through food, movement, and lifestyle choices. 

  • “Chantal’s love and knowledge of Ayurveda is apparent when you have a 1-1 wellness consultation with her. She lives and breathes this knowledge in a healthy, joyful and balanced manner and she can teach you to do the same!”

    MICHELLE V. Entrepreneur

What you’ll receive

Aligning to The Well Method, you’ll receive a personalized 4 part plan outlining the stepping-stones down your path to deep nourishment. Each bespoke plan follows a 4-step process to healing that will be individually tailored to meet your unique constitution, biochemistry, health status, primary goals, and concerns.

Step 1: Wild

Align to Nature and Heal your Digestive System

So much of your health starts in the digestive tract, whether you present with traditional digestive issues or not. Everything from weight gain, hormonal imbalances, acne, eczema, depression, and autoimmune disease has been linked to imbalanced gut ecology. Depending on your case history we will look at where and how you need to start to rebalance your digestive system from top to bottom for optimum wellness.

Step 2 : Embodied

eat, move, sleep

Once the digestive system is running optimally we will look at balancing nutrient levels in your body via targeted supplementation if needed, along with adressing your sleep hygiene and fitness routine.

This step will be designed to focus on your specific health concerns, budget, and preferences. You will be introduced to specific sleep habits, movement practices, functional foods, herbs, limited supplementation to continue building energy and vitality everyday.

Step 3: Liberated

Stress Management & Nervous system support

Stress is a major player in chronic illness and disease. This step will focus on building in self-care routines and proven stress management techniques to help you stay calm, balanced, and healthy for years to come, no matter what life throws your way. Small changes in the way you perceive and react to stress can have immense impact on your digestion, energy levels, and even the brightness of your skin!

Step 4: LIVING

Customized Lifestyle Plan & Wellness Routine

This final step will look at which aspects of your healing plan will be best to carry forward long term to help support you for the rest of your life. It will include diet and exercise recommendations, stress management techniques, simple supplements for optimal health, self-care rituals, and an outline of the things YOU need to feel best in your life, based on your discoveries over the preceding three months. The connection you have forged with your body throughout the program that has shown you what sorts of foods and habits fill you with joy and energy will provide the basis for the lifestyle plan you will carry forward.


  • 4 appointments over 3 months

  • Soulful Wellness Plans (2-3 depending on need & progress)

  • Healthy, easy, & delicious recipes for an easy transition to a whole-foods way of eating

  • Extra support handouts for increased education & empowerment

  • Regular email correspondence for continued support & encouragement

INVESTMENT: $450 or $180/month payment plan

  • First things first, you will tell me the main reasons you are coming to see me so that I can tailor an action plan that meets your individual goals. I will collect the intake forms filled out prior to your visit. We will have an intake interview to gather all the necessary information to get started. This will include your medical, emotional, and physical histories (the more in-depth, the better). We will discuss your three-day diet diary and lifestyle habits. I will provide you with an initial mini wellness plan to get you accustomed to making time for your body and your needs.

  • 7 days after initial appointment. We will go over any imbalances indicated from the previous session and I will provide an explanation of where you will be focusing your energy for the next few weeks.

    Together we will go over your Soulful Wellness Plan and start Steps 1 & 2. I will answer any questions you may have on how best to implement the strategies I have outlined.

  • This appointment can be scheduled 4-8 weeks after you start implementing your Soulful Wellness Plan depending on your preference.

    In this session we will take stock of where you are in terms of your goals and make any necessary adjustments to your plan based on your current status. I will provide a new plan within 24 hours of the appointment outlining Steps 3 & 4.

  • This appointment can be scheduled 2-4 weeks after your third session based on your preference. In this consultation we will look at the aspects of your plan that works best and build a Long Term Lifestyle Plan based on Step 2-3 that you can implement once the healing phase is completed.

    This plan is designed to be a roadmap for long term health that can be tweaked and adjusted as your needs and desires change. You will receive ample guidance on how to make these adjustments as you move forward and build the habits that will help you create lasting health.


Still unsure if this is the right approach for you?

Book a free 15 minute Clarity Call to ask me any questions.