Well-being is your Natural State
As we bask in the light of the Full Moon in Virgo, consider:
What ways of being have become outdated? What feels stagnant in your life? What feels energizing and rejuvenating, and how do you protect your energy?
Virgo is the earth sign of sovereignty, healing and health. The word virgo comes from the same root of “virgin” which originally meant, “one who is whole unto themselves” , innately whole and lacking nothing.
Full moons shed light on and illuminate areas of life to amplify and expand them, by simultaneously showing us what needs to be released.
This lunation sheds light on your habits, self care rituals, and ways you leak your vital energy by seeking external validation of your self worth. Virgo is the practical healer, grounded and methodical, invested in the process, rather than attached to the outcome.
How often do we engage in life with only the end goal in mind? We set our sights on where we want to go while ignoring the roses along the way. In an attempt to "get healthy", we forget that wellbeing is already here, it is our most natural state. Instead of following the rainbow to get to the pot of gold, virgo knows that the pot of gold is the rainbow itself. The journey is the gift. The medicine comes from remembering that you are already whole, as you move towards greater integration and awakened embodiment.
With the upcoming Spring Equinox, now is an ideal time to clear the clutter, release ways of being that you’ve outgrown, and create space for your inner light to expand.
Join me for A Spring Equinox Live Class happening on Sunday March 20th, 9:00-10:00am!
Thank you for bringing your soul medicine to this community.
With you Full Moon Blessings during this time of release and rebirth!