Summer Solstice Rituals
The Summer Solstice on June 21 marks the beginning of the summer months and the longest day of the year before the nights start to grow longer again.
Sol means “sun” and “stice” comes from the root word “to make stand”. Solstice means “the point at which the sun seems to stand still”. As such, the solstice is a powerful moment of abundance, filled with the potential for growth.
The natural world is flourishing with the flowering of trees, plants and vegetables and the fruits and grains are beginning to swell in their ripeness. This is a time of strength, power and vitality.
The solstice is a time to honor your connection to the inner firepower that keeps you alive and celebrate the abundance of life!
Traditionally, it was celebrated as a fire festival worshiping the strength of the sun through singing, dancing and being in nature as a way to elevate the energy. In the celtic tradition, Summer Solstice festival was named after the goddess of fertility, power, and order, Litha. While the winter solstice or Yule is a time to turn inwards and reflect on the shadow self, the summer solstice emphasizes joy, abundance, and the connection of all living things.
Harness the power of this summer solstice to embrace love, laughter, and generosity.
Here are a few simple rituals to do alone and/or with friends, or create your own 3 Day Summer Solstice Reset Rituals by using this time to connect, express gratitude, and celebrate the abundance of life.